Ten things you need to know about Vitamin D
Ten things you need to know about Vitamin D The following article was written by thyroid patient Marge about Vitamin D. Marge served as an admin in the Yahoo Natural Thyroid Hormones group for many years. ************* One of the many downsides of being hypothyroid is the inability to absorb and/or metabolize a variety of vitamins and minerals, mostly due to low stomach acid . And unfortunately, many Vit D challenged patients think that all they have to do is sit in the sun and they will create enough Vitamin D. Not so for many hypothyroid patients! I was fortunate to have a decent doctor who tested my Vitamin D level when knowledge about vitamin D deficiency was in its infancy. My level was 19 with a normal range of 30 – 100 ng/ml. He put me on high doses of Vitamin D3. Imagine my surprise when six months later, I didn’t need my daily asthma inhaler and I didn’t have a cold all year! Today, there are mountains of research in...